Registration of audit firms and auditors

Audit firms as defined by the German biogas register include e.g.

  • Certification authorities and centres
  • Associations of auditors
  • Self-employed environmental auditors

To register an audit firm, please fill out the corresponding registration form.

Template: Download


Registration of audit firms

The audit firm can only become active in the biogas register via the assigned auditors. Please fill out a form for auditors for each auditor, environmental auditor, or expert assessor who is to be registered in the name of the audit firm.

Template: Download
  • Contact person: It is sufficient to indicate one main contact person. You only need to indicate different contact persons for contracts/general matters, invoicing, and operational implementation if you wish to distribute the duties accordingly in your company.
  • Desired company abbreviation: Enter an abbreviation consisting of 3-5 characters here which will be used to identify your company.This abbreviation will appear e.g. in your account numbers and on the biogas register extracts generated by your company. If you do not specify your own abbreviation, you will be assigned one.
    Example: The "Biogas Generation Company Pte. Ltd." chooses the abbreviation "BGC".


1. Download the relevant registration forms, contracts and contract annexes.

2. Enter your data in the corresponding registration form, confirm the terms of contract and please send the registration form to:

Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena)
Biogasregister Deutschland
Chausseestraße 128a
10115 Berlin

3. You will receive the access data for your employees by e-mail shortly.

If you have any further questions about registration, please contact our support hotline.